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Movie Princesita (2015)


Original name: Princesita
Genre: драма
Year: 2015
Country: Испания, Аргентина, Чили
Director: Мариали Ривас
Cast: Марсело Алонсо, Sara Caballero, Nahuel Cantillano, Stefano Mardones, Мария Грасия Оменя, Аугусто Силва, Isidora Uribe,
Duration: 71 мин. / 01:11
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.1 rating 0
2020-05-20 09:03:05
Added: Only-HD Date: 20 May 2020, 09:03 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Twelve-year-old Tamara lives within a cult that is ruled by the beliefs of its leader Miguel, who becomes obsessively convinced that Tamara is the "chosen one". But when she falls in love with a classmate, Tamara's relationship gets in the way of Miguel's objective, and he will seek her absolute obedience.

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