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Movie Huo zhong (1991)

Huo zhong

Original name: Huo zhong
Genre: боевик, триллер
Year: 1991
Country: Гонконг
Director: Чань Лау, Тони Лю
Cast: Сибелль Ху, Мун Ли, Юкари Осима, Энди Чэн, Siu Cheung, Кон Чюн, Cheuk-Nin Cho, Хин-Чун Чой, Чои Квок Кеунг, Чои Квок-Пин
World Premiere: 7 ноября 1992
Duration: 93 мин. / 01:33
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2020-01-26 13:12:51
Added: Only-HD Date: 26 January 2020, 13:12 Views: 0 Comments: 0
When teens help a friend who's been forced into prostitution they upset some very dangerous people. With the help of a renegade cop a bloody war ensues with tragic consequences.

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