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Movie Zagonetni djecak (2013)

Zagonetni djecak

Original name: Zagonetni djecak
Slogan: «His secret will become their adventure»
Genre: приключения, семейный
Year: 2013
Country: Хорватия
Director: Дражен Жаркович
Cast: Антонио Парач, Карло Малока, Ваня Марковинович, Тома Буданко, Филип Рузич, Кристиан Боначич, Нина Милета, Ален Ливерич, Дижана Видусин, Озрен Грабарич
World Premiere: 28 февраля 2013
Duration: 88 мин. / 01:28
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.3 rating 0
2020-06-12 12:06:15
Added: Only-HD Date: 12 June 2020, 12:06 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Witty and resourceful fourteen-year-old Koko solves yet another mystery - aided by his friends. One of them, Tomo, has recently moved to the city and longs for adventure. The boys notice that their new classmate acts curiously. Step by step, joined by their classmate Marijana, they unveil the boy's dark secret. Written by Kinorama

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