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Movie Beyond Witch Mountain (1982)

Beyond Witch Mountain

Original name: Beyond Witch Mountain
Genre: фантастика, фэнтези, семейный
Year: 1982
Country: США
Director: Роберт Дэй
Cast: Эдди Альберт, Трэйси Голд, Эндрю Фриман, Ефрем Цимбалист мл., Дж.Д. Кэннон, Ной Бири мл., Стефани Блэкмор, Питер Хоббс, Джеймс Луизи, Уильям Бассетт
World Premiere: 20 февраля 1982
Duration: 60 мин. / 01:00
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2020-01-27 23:01:13
Added: Only-HD Date: 27 January 2020, 23:01 Views: 1 Comments: 0
After reports of a boy's amazing abilities surface, Tony and Tia are sent to go find him knowing that the boy must be from their world. They are joined by an old friend, Jason O'Day, and a black cat named Winky. Together they race to find the boy before their old nemesis Aristotle Bolt does. Written by ElvenSprite

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