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Series Kalifat (2020)


Original name: Kalifat
Genre: триллер, драма
Year: 2020
Country: Швеция
Director: Горан Капетанович
Cast: Гизем Эрдоган, Amed Bozan, Алиетт Офейм, Альбен Гренхольм, Nora Rios, Amanda Sohrabi, Ланселот Нкубе, Сэйд Лиг, Yussra El Abdouni, Simon Mezher
World Premiere: 12 января 2020
Duration: 46 мин. / 0:46
kinopoiskrating7.84 imdbrating8.2 rating 0
2020-04-19 21:21:39
Added: Only-HD Date: 19 April 2020, 21:21 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Agent Fatima gets a tip that a terrorist act is planned in Sweden. At the same time, the teenager Sulle has opened her eyes to her student assistant who opens the doors to a new fascinating world.

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