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Movie 18 regali (2020)

18 regali

Original name: 18 regali
Genre: драма
Year: 2020
Country: Италия
Director: Франческо Амато
Cast: Виттория Пуччини, Бенедетта Поркароли, Эдоардо Лео, Сара Лаззаро, Марко Мессери, Элизабетта Педрацци, Алессандро Джаллокоста, Филиппо Джили, Marta Nuti, Джакомо Росселли
World Premiere: 2 января 2020
Duration: 115 мин. / 01:55
kinopoiskrating6.58 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-05-10 07:18:53
Added: Only-HD Date: 10 May 2020, 07:18 Views: 2 Comments: 0
Elisa is only forty when an incurable disease takes her from her husband and their daughter. Before her heart stops, Elisa finds a way to stay close to her: a gift for every birthday up to her adult age, 18 gifts to try to accompany her child's growth year after year. Written by X

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