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Movie Merhaba Güzel Vatanim (2019)

Merhaba Güzel Vatanim

Original name: Merhaba Güzel Vatanim
Genre: драма, биография
Year: 2019
Country: Турция
Director: Cengiz Özkarabekir
Cast: Йеткин Дикинджилер, Серкан Алтынташ, Берна Лачин, Пелин Бату, Левент Узюмджю, Искендер Бааджылар, Мехмет Токат, Алпер Тюреди, Kutay Sahin, Умут Бескирма
World Premiere: 31 октября 2019
Duration: 99 мин. / 01:39
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5 rating 0
2020-05-11 21:02:10
Added: Only-HD Date: 11 May 2020, 21:02 Views: 4 Comments: 0
"Merhaba Güzel Vatanim - Hello, My Beautiful Homeland", the script of which was written by Ahmet Ümit, tells the life story of the famous Turkish poet Nâzim Hikmet. At the same time, the film is about Ahmet Ümit, who, like Nâzim Hikmet, had also lived in Moscow and was a great admirer of the poet. Through a moving depiction of the tumultuous lives of Nâzim Hikmet and Ahmet Ümit, "Merhaba Güzel Vatanim - Hello, My Beautiful Homeland" offers a panorama of different eras across a geography spanning from Turkey to Moscow. While Nâzim Hikmet penned works that came to be known around the world, Ahmet Ümit took inspiration from the poet and, drawing on the restorative power of art and literature, saved his own life, ultimately becoming a globally renowned writer. Written by buqrakral

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