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Movie Riley Parra: Better Angels (2020)

Riley Parra: Better Angels

Original name: Riley Parra: Better Angels
Slogan: «Demons are real and Riley Parra is going to give them Hell»
Genre: фантастика, драма
Year: 2020
Country: США
Director: Кристин Бэйкер
Cast: Марем Эрнандез, Лиз Вэсси, Карл Эдрард, Коннор Триннир, Carolyn Ratteray, Маив Куинлэн, Марина Сиртис, Connor Kelly-Eiding, Алекс Альфаро, Пол Айдинг
Duration: 111 мин. / 01:51
kinopoiskrating4.92 imdbrating5.9 rating 0
2020-05-10 15:01:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 10 May 2020, 15:01 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Detective Riley Parra grew up in the bad part of town, the crime-ridden No Man's Land. Now, as a cop in a corrupt department, she strives to make sure the rough streets she left behind aren't forgotten. One case leads her to the discovery that No Man's Land is a battleground between angels and demons, a supernatural war that's been waged for centuries. Thrown into a world she never believed could exist and told that she's the only chance of defeating evil. Written by Christin Baker

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