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Movie Playboy and the Gang of Cherry (2017)

Playboy and the Gang of Cherry

Original name: Playboy and the Gang of Cherry
Genre: боевик, триллер, драма, криминал
Year: 2017
Country: Таиланд, Германия
Director: Oompon Kitikamara
Cast: Karit Chutimakornkul, Steven Foorer, Sainam Kitikamara, Jirayu Niyom, Аттафан Пунсават, Setthawin Satjapornthep, Aphiwat Suphakornchawaroj,
World Premiere: 31 августа 2017
Duration: 118 мин. / 01:58
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating0 rating 0
2020-03-08 18:42:08
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 18:42 Views: 2 Comments: 0
The gay mafia "Gang of Cherry" is residing at a construction site somewhere in Thailand. One of its most notorious members is Mac aka "PlayBoy", a gay male prostitute with an addiction for Sm sex. Bipolar Cherry is the gang's leader. The situation escalates when a shipment of drugs disappears. Written by The Movie DB

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