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Series Forged in Fire (2015)

Forged in Fire

Original name: Forged in Fire
Genre: игра, реальное ТВ
Year: 2015
Country: США
Director: Майкл Перлман, Альфонсо Тринидад
Cast: Уил Уиллис, J. Neilson, Дэвид Лэйн Бэйкер, Doug Marcaida, David Goldberg, Mareko Maumasi, Earl E. Blackmore, Gabriel Bell, Peter Swarz-Burt, David Roeder
World Premiere: 22 июня 2015
Duration: 42 мин.
kinopoiskrating8.34 imdbrating8.2 rating 0
2020-03-06 23:41:04
Added: Only-HD Date: 06 March 2020, 23:41 Views: 1 Comments: 0
With a small variety of metal objects to choose their metal from, four new competitors attempt to forge a knife in their own style. In five days, the final pair must create in their own forge a Moro Kris sword, a blade with roots dating back to 300BC, in the season finale of this suspenseful and fiery History Channel series.

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