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Movie YouChoose (2018)


Original name: YouChoose
Genre: фантастика, триллер
Year: 2018
Country: США, Коста-Рика
Director: Адам Хардман
Cast: Джоэль Фридрих, Neely Johnson, Shannon Walsh, Mitzi Akaha, Priscilla McEver, Шона Ли Александр, Патрик Галло, Chad Sikora, Maja Tartaro, Ali Hasta
World Premiere: 24 сентября 2018
Duration: 100 мин. / 01:40
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating0 rating 0
2020-03-14 19:01:08
Added: Only-HD Date: 14 March 2020, 19:01 Views: 1 Comments: 0
YouChoose is about freedom. Freedom to follow your bliss, fall in love, find your soulmate. Download the app, accept the terms and conditions, answer a few questions, and Ding. YouChoose locates and identifies your ideal romantic partner--your soul-mate, complete with a map to your connection point, countdown to arrival, and their Most Desired Thing (in that moment). YouChoose (the film) follows one individual's experience in the post-dating world of YouChoose. Jack is his own worst enemy. He is desperate to find love, but he holds zero love for himself. YouChoose doesn't know which Jack to respond to: the Jack who craves love or the Jack who spews hate. Unfortunately for Jack, while the world around him partners-up, his Dings. keep coming. - Each successive soul-mate changes Jack in ways he never would have imagined. With YouChoose everything can change in a moment: who you want, who you love, and who you are. Written by Adam Hardman

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