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Movie Perfectos desconocidos (2018)

Perfectos desconocidos

Original name: Perfectos desconocidos
Genre: комедия, драма
Year: 2018
Country: Мексика
Director: Маноло Каро Серрано
Cast: Бруно Бичир, Мануэль Рульфо, Franky Martín, Мигель Родарте, Сесилия Суарес, Ана Клаудия Таланкон, Мариана Тревино, Camila Valero,
World Premiere: 23 октября 2018
Duration: 97 мин. / 01:37
kinopoiskrating6.7 imdbrating6.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 23:30:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 23:30 Views: 1 Comments: 0
From Mexican auteur Manolo Caro "THE HOUSE OF FLOWERS" comes PERFECT STRANGERS "PERFECTOS DESCONOCIDOS", a story about a seemingly simple dinner. When a group of best friends get together during a lunar eclipse to share an intimate dinner in the tasteful house of Eva "Cecilia Suarez" and Antonio "Bruno Bichir", they suspect it's just another typical night until the hostess proposes a game. All guests must lay their cell phones on the table and read aloud all incoming messages and answer all incoming phone calls in front of the entire group. What begins as a provocative party game quickly becomes a wild ride full of twists and "textual tension" in this comedy about the secrets we all carry in our pockets.

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