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Anime Series Citrus (2018)


Original name: Citrus
Genre: аниме, мультфильм, мелодрама
Year: 2018
Country: Япония
Director: Такэо Такахаси
Cast: Юкиё Фудзии, Икуми Хаяма, Сиори Идзава, Хисако Канэмото, Юрика Кубо, Томоаки Маэно, Аяна Такэтацу, Минами Цуда, Кана Уэда, Рэи Мацудзаки,
World Premiere: 6 января 2018
Duration: 23 мин.
kinopoiskrating6.33 imdbrating6.5 rating 0
2020-03-06 22:13:52
Added: Only-HD Date: 06 March 2020, 22:13 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Fashionable Yuzu imagined the first day at her new school she transferred to after her mother's remarriage a bit differently; she didn't know it'd be an ultra-strict and conservative girls' school. So instead of a sweet high-school romance, she butts heads with the stern student council president Mei - who turns out to be her new stepsister. Now, she has to learn that hate and attraction are often not that far apart.

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