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Movie Gothic Harvest (2019)

Gothic Harvest

Genre: ужасы
Year: 2019
Country: США
Director: Эшли Хэмилтон
Cast: Лин Шэй, Билл Моусли, София Мэттссон, Тэниэлл Уэйверс, Эшли Хэмилтон, Клайд Джонс, Эбби Гэйл, Эштон Ли, Кэрол Саттон, Алекс Биглейн
Budget: $1 000 000
World Premiere: 15 октября 2019
Duration: 82 мин. / 01:22
kinopoiskrating4.27 imdbrating3.5 rating 0
2020-03-08 15:18:11
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 15:18 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The aristocratic, wealthy France-born Boudine family move to New Orleans in the mid-1800s to make their way in America. Then their beautiful youngest daughter cross paths with the fiancé of the legendary Queen of Louisiana Voodoo, Marie Laveau. They have a baby and try to keep it a secret, but Madame Laveau finds out and decides that the entire family deserves the focus of Laveau's most destructive curse. Written by melanie85

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