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Series Water Boyy: The Series (2017)

Water Boyy: The Series

Original name: Water Boyy: The Series
Genre: мелодрама, комедия, спорт
Year: 2017
Country: Таиланд
Director: Кацуси Сакураби, Мацуо Асами, Такао Або
Cast: Вирают Чансук, Дом Хетракул, Чарада Имрапорн, Криттанай Асанпракит, Джиракит Куариякул, Нават Пумпхотинам, Пирапат Ваттханасетсири, Танутчай Виджитвонгтхонг, Тхитипум Течаапаикхун, Чатчавит Течарукпонг
Duration: 24 мин.
kinopoiskrating6.96 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-05-29 09:01:27
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 09:01 Views: 0 Comments: 0
This series is based on the 2015 movie Waterboyy. Waii is the most popular member and captain of the Ocean College swimming club. He has a difficult relationship with his father who is also the team's coach. Apo is the latest swimmer to join the club and Waii's new roommate.

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