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Cartoon Series Angry Birds Stella (2014)

Angry Birds Stella

Original name: Angry Birds Stella
Slogan: Best friends forever - most of the time!
Genre: мультфильм
Year: 2014
Country: Финляндия
Director: Avgousta Zourelidi, Эми Линдхольм, Кари Юуусонен, Eric Guaglione, Меруан Салим
Cast: Сари Мяллинен, Кити Кокконен, Ilona Kyykoski, Tiia Vestola, Салла Хямяляйнен, Антти Пяккенен, Паула Весала, Annituuli Kasurinen, Ida Koivisto, Саара Лехтонен
World Premiere: 1 ноября 2014
Duration: 6 мин. / 0:06
kinopoiskrating8.19 imdbrating6.5 rating 0
2020-06-13 00:18:16
Added: Only-HD Date: 13 June 2020, 00:18 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Stella - the fierce and feisty bird from Angry Birds - joins her best friends Dahlia, Poppy, Willow and Luca for some fun new adventures! Together they explore, create, rock out and laugh...a lot! But just like in any friendship, strong personalities can sometimes clash. The important thing is that they always make up in the end...or do they? Gale is Stella's former best friend who flies down a darker path. She soon earns the nickname Bad Princess as she becomes power-hungry and obsessed with finding the mysterious Golden Egg - no matter what! Part of her wants to re-unite with her friends but she's blinded by pride, power and greed. She just needs to rediscover what's most important! Gale may have a shiny crown, but she's lost something much more precious...Stella and her other friends. Written by Rovio Entertainment

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