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Movie The Demonic Dead (2017)

The Demonic Dead

Slogan: «He is God's gun and he is loaded!»
Genre: ужасы
Year: 2017
Country: США
Director: Rick Vargas
Cast: Эрик Робертс, Johnny Ray Gibbs, Кристиан Бовинг, Доминик Паке, Ной Даль, Katusha Robert, Роберт Бертон, Paul Stevans, Рони Коллинз, Jessica Soss
Budget: $40 000
World Premiere: 17 ноября 2017
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.5 rating 0
2020-03-08 13:50:06
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 13:50 Views: 1 Comments: 0
There is a demon possessed Serial Killer on a rampage. Her name is Maria Cruz and she has an army of the living dead at her disposal. The body count is rising when a heretic, Reno Peña, is called upon to deal with the situation. Reno is about to take on the fight of his life, when his estranged wife, Katherine, comes to him and asks him not to take the case. The Demon Hunter must choose between the job that defines him and the woman he still loves. To further complicate matters, a group of college students are captured by the vengeful demon who has no plan on stopping her sadistic blood bath. Will Reno find them in time? Will Reno destroy his marriage once and for all?

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