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Жуткой ночью мужчина со своей возлюбленной отчаянно пытаются выбраться из больницы, места, где мы обычно чувствуем себя в безопасности. В эту ночь они борются за жизнь.
08 March 2020, 12:25 0
A Coptic leper and his orphaned apprentice leave the confines of the leper colony for the first time and embark on a journey across Egypt to search for what is left of their families.
08 March 2020, 12:14 1
Noor Qabbani guided tour goes to the Sharm el-Sheikh taking advantage of the offer provided by the company to spend their honeymoon in order to meet an Italian girl named Perla by his father, who lives in I...
08 March 2020, 10:35 1
The events revolve around a special operations officer who deals with more than one terrorist operation and is hunting down terrorist cells. The film shows security forces' efforts to combat terrorism and s...
08 March 2020, 10:31 1
Year: 2018
Country: Египет
Director: Mahmoud Karim
Duration: 90 мин. / 01:30
The film takes place in the context of a comedy about the young Ismail , who works in a beauty center, and accidentally discover that one of the directors of the search for a new face, turning himself to a ...
08 March 2020, 10:31 0
Захватывающая история Юссефа Аль Масри, офицера египетской полиции из района Кармуз в Александрии. Сюжет разворачивается во времена правления короля Фарука незадолго до революции 1952 года.
08 March 2020, 10:29 0
Year: 2018
Country: Египет
Duration: 89 мин. / 01:29
A guy finds a book filled with characters inside each person. Once he reads it, these characters comes out to control his life.
08 March 2020, 10:20 0
Year: 2017
Country: Египет
Director: Hani Hamdi
Duration: 79 мин. / 01:19
The film revolves around two singers who live on Mohammed Ali Street with absent financial and social conditions. A friend of theirs suggests that they meet women from well-off families and marry them.
08 March 2020, 10:20 0
XIII век. Равный богу, Султан Бейбарс — правитель Египта, имеющий самый большой флот на Средиземном море, сокрушивший войска крестоносцев и несметные орды потомка Чингисхана — вспоминает о жизненн...
08 March 2020, 09:42 0
Year: 2017
Country: Египет
Director: Sherif Ismail
Duration: 113 мин. / 01:53
Antar Al Absy's grandson fights the lion of men, he tries to beat him with all the power he has, in order to win the heart of the most beautiful girl in the village.
08 March 2020, 08:50 0

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