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В один из дней над городом появляется чудовище невероятных размеров, явно не земного происхождения. Служба безопасности оцепляет район, а население с недоумением следит за происходящим. Не удивляет происход...
13 May 2020, 00:30 0
Ueno-san, who is in her third year of junior high school, is in love with the concept of falling in love. She makes full use of her inventions and tries to show it off to Tanaka, her Science Club junior.
12 May 2020, 23:57 0
On a planet far from Earth, there is a kingdom full of smiling faces. Princess Yuuki is 12 years old, and about to enter a sensitive age in a person's life. Everyday, she cries, laughs, and sometimes, her h...
12 May 2020, 23:57 0
A young man stands in front of the tremendous gates and carefully reads the message of his father. This place is the center of the world, which is also called Gatetoria. Before that, however, there had been...
12 May 2020, 23:57 0
Kagaya Shuuichi is not just a high school student. His sense of smell is incredibly developed, on top of that, he can also transform into an incredibly strong creature. He tries, however, to hide his little...
12 May 2020, 23:54 0
Shingo Ichinomiya was a young and single salaryman. One day he falls asleep to find out that he now lives in another world in the body of a 5-year-old boy. He is a part of a poor family, which has many kids...
12 May 2020, 23:54 2
В фэнтезийном мире Мефтерхан люди, наконец-то, научились приручать монстров, делая их питомцами. Парень по имени Ю обладает удивительным даром для этого мира — манипулирование монстрами. Его мечта — стать ц...
12 May 2020, 23:51 0
Kenka Banchou Otome - Girl Beats Boys, Hinako Nakayama has spent all of her life being raised in state-run orphanages, without ever knowing her family. As she's about to enter high school, Hinako is approac...
12 May 2020, 23:45 0
Video artist Ryosuke visits the suburb of Furano in Hokkaido, where his friend lives, in order to shoot a video. His car breaks down and Ryosuke decides to walk to a house and ask for a phone. The person th...
09 May 2020, 11:05 0
Для подготовки воинов к возможным нападениям иностранных захватчиков проводят марафон: 58 километров по горным тропам. Вассалы присоединяются к состязанию, чтобы получить обещанный приз. Тем временем правит...
09 May 2020, 02:12 1

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