When she was still just a girl, Kotoko was kidnapped by the spirits that asked her to become a mediator between the two worlds, as well as the Goddess of Wisdom for these spirits. However, power always come...
A serial killer is targetting women in Kanazawa prefecture. The killer has his victims hung to their deaths. The local cops are assigned to the case, but without clues, evidence or witnesses they are having...
Есть в Токио один район, Икэбукуро Вэст Гэйт Парк, не самый спокойный для проживания. В этом районе жил молодой человек Макото. Никого не трогал, занимался ничегонеделанием, дружил с главой хулиганистой бан...
A girl is just 14 years old, but she endures a difficult life. Her parents abuse her at home and she is bullied by students at her school. She doesn't have a place where she can feel comfortable. One day, t...
Dan is in love with Sumire. The romance is culminating in a decision for the couple to marry. He is instead falsely accused of a crime, summarily tried and shipped to a distant prison. More than a dozen yea...
Старшеклассник и задрот Хикару Цуцуи предпочитает вымышленный мир реальному. Он любит магну, видеоигры, аниме, общается исключительно в Интернете, а одноклассники его даже не замечают. Однажды случается нем...
В детстве Синъитиро Кияма потерял родителей в автокатастрофе и с тех пор живёт один и не заводит знакомств. Однажды юноша приобретает необычную способность, которая полностью меняет его жизнь теперь ...
The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi help...
29 May 2020, 07:30 0
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