Головна / Ужасы / Shadow of the Missing

Фільм Shadow of the Missing (2018)

Shadow of the Missing

Слоган: «Some doors are not meant to be opened...»
Жанр: ужасы
Рік: 2018
Країна: США
Режисер: Jamie Lee Smith
У ролях: Родри Томас, Jamie Lee Smith, Ceri Evans, Celyn Rees, Matthew Rees, Гари Слеймейкер, Риз МакЛеллан, Док Бенсон, Dan Thomas, Liam Matthews
Світова прем'єра: 17 апреля 2018
Тривалість: 86 мин. / 01:26
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating2.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 01:15:03
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 08 березня 2020, 01:15 Перегляди: 1 Коментарі: 0
A group of young filmmakers are attending a Film Festival in Wales. They come across an abandoned church, and hear music coming from inside. After some goading and teasing, the entire group decides to return to the church in order to solve the mystery. Complications arise, however, when one by one members of the group start to disappear. Only the footage remains to tell their tale.

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