Головна / Драма / Содержанки

Фільм Содержанки (2015)


Оригінальна назва: Sugar Babies
Слоган: «When Glamour Becomes Addictive»
Жанр: драма
Рік: 2015
Країна: Канада
Режисер: Моника Митчелл
У ролях: Элисон Стоунер, Тиера Сковбай, Сара Дагдэйл, Стив Бачич, Эва Дэй, Кен Камру, Кинэн Трэйси, Джиллз Пэнтон, Керри Сандомирски, Хротгар Мэтьюз
Світова прем'єра: 22 июля 2015
Тривалість: 90 мин. / 01:30
kinopoiskrating5.65 imdbrating5 rating 0
2020-01-30 01:20:49
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 30 січня 2020, 01:20 Перегляди: 5 Коментарі: 0
Bright Katie Woods, a junior majoring in art history, has just transferred from her local community college to prestigious and expensive Montlake College which arguably has the best art history program in the country. She and her working class parents can barely afford the cost, even with the student loans Katie has secured, but she hopes that the end of a good interior decorating job after graduating will ultimately justify the cost. But once settled in, Katie finds that life at Montlake is a little more difficult financially than she anticipated, especially as she wants to attend a prestigious summer program at the University of Florence, an extra cost above and beyond for what she had budgeted. It isn't until she accepts a blind double date with her classmate and new friend, wealthy Tessa Bouillette, and has a good time being pampered by her handsome, suave and rich date James Smith, does Katie learn that Tessa and few other girls at Montlake find such dates on the Sugar Babies ... Written by Huggo

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