Головна / Мелодрама / Зелёная капсула

Серіал Зелёная капсула (сериал) (2019)

Зелёная капсула (сериал)

Оригінальна назва: Qing nang chuan
Жанр: мелодрама, фэнтези
Рік: 2019
Країна: Китай
Режисер: Ху Чуси
У ролях: Ли Хунъи, Чжао Лусы, Чжан Сыфань, Сюй Ифан, Фэн Цзюньси, Марко Ли, Анна Ли, Винсент Матиль, Хай Тао, Ян Минна
Світова прем'єра: 2019-05-30
Тривалість: 40 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.6 rating 0
2020-05-29 16:43:22
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 29 травня 2020, 16:43 Перегляди: 0 Коментарі: 0
In the TV series, Li Hongyi plays the role of mysterious Shenmu teenager, belonging to the hermit family. He has been studying medicine for generations. His young doctors have been in full swing, and the Shenmu people are not high-ranking people. The calm life is broken because Ye Yunshang (Zhao Lusi ornaments). Ye Yunshang is a young doctor of medicine. She was mistakenly entered into the territory of the Shenmu nationality under the erroneous erection. It was just saved by Jupiter, and the two became attached. At this time, the Shenmu people's internal struggle for power and profits became more and more fierce. In order to escape the royal family's struggle, Jupiter dusted away from the family with Ye Yunshang and entered the chaos of the Republic of China. Jupiter and Ye Yunshang are all juvenile geniuses who have mastered their skills. They have experienced many trials and tempering with their own skills. They have not only achieved breakthroughs in medical skills, but also become... Written by Louis M

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