Головна / Драма / Икар. Легенда Метека Коша

Фільм Икар. Легенда Метека Коша (2019)

Икар. Легенда Метека Коша

Оригінальна назва: Ikar. Legenda Mietka Kosza
Жанр: драма, биография
Рік: 2019
Країна: Польша
Режисер: Мацей Пепшица
У ролях: Давид Огродник, Cyprian Grabowski, Петр Адамчик, Миколай Хробочек, Виктория Городецкая, Джустина Василевска, Михаль Филипяк, Ювита Будник, Яцек Коман, Дариуш Хойнацкий
Світова прем'єра: 17 сентября 2019
Тривалість: 110 мин. / 01:50
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.5 rating 0
2020-05-11 12:05:00
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 11 травня 2020, 12:05 Перегляди: 1 Коментарі: 0
"Icarus" is the true story of Mieczyslaw "Mietek" Kosz, a Polish jazz pianist who died in tragic circumstances and whose life we see through select episodes depicting the most influential moments in his life and career: his childhood on a poor farm in the farmlands of Poland and the loss of his eyesight at age 12 to a debilitating disease and the trauma that it causes. We witness the birth of his gifts - an uncanny ear for music and his determination shared only by true virtuoso's. We witness the great heights he achieves in his career that is accompanied by his loneliness and desperate need for acceptance. We see how low he falls due to his fight with alcoholism and trying to deal with the consequences of his fame. All this leads to his "rebirth" when he meets the love of his life, Ewa. Written by ron_whisky

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