Головна / Триллер / Den döende detektiven

Серіал Детектив, що помирає (2018)

Детектив, що помирає

Жанр: триллер, драма, детектив
Рік: 2018
Країна: Швеция, Дания, Финляндия
Режисер: Кристиан Петри
У ролях: Рольф Лассгорд, Хелена Аф Сандеберг, Алексей Манвелов, Лена Б. Эрикссон, Angelika Prick, Аманда Оомс, Savannah Issa, Хенрик Норлен, David Mjönes, Ардалан Эсмаили
Світова прем'єра: 3 января 2018
Тривалість: 176 мин.
kinopoiskrating6.69 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-03-07 08:14:13
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 07 березня 2020, 08:14 Перегляди: 2 Коментарі: 0
After a mild stroke leaving his right side paralyzed, the doctor telling him a total change of lifestyle is required to escape a massive heart attack. Being Sweden's most successful detective, the doctor tells him her father, a priest, now deceased, had a woman for confession. She told the priest she knew the man who raped and killed a nine year old girl in 1985. The doctor ask the retired detective to investigate. The case being unsolved and also too old to be prosecuted, the partially handicapped detective, enlists a former colleague to help. In between trying to escape his new dietary regime, with a stubborn attitude and known to be the man who can see around corners, he follows the old trail left by a paedophile killer in the Swedish summer. Not knowing what to do if he actually finds him. Let the old testament rule apply? An eye for an eye? Written by lene hoset sunde

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