Головна / Драма / Adiós entusiasmo

Фільм Adiós entusiasmo (2017)

Adiós entusiasmo

Жанр: драма
Рік: 2017
Країна: Колумбия, Аргентина
Режисер: Владимир Дюран
У ролях: Lucas Besasso, Росарио Блефари, Camilo Castiglione, Silvia Cobelo, Владимир Дюран, Mariel Fernández, Мартина Хункаделья, Вероника Льянас, Лайла Мальц, Валерия Валенте,
Світова прем'єра: 23 апреля 2017
Тривалість: 79 мин. / 01:19
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating6.2 rating 0
2020-03-07 23:42:05
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 07 березня 2020, 23:42 Перегляди: 11 Коментарі: 0
Margarita lives with her son Axel and his older sisters Antonia, Alejandra and Alicia. Their flat is like a cosy cave where they play music, eat, sleep and argue in the warm lamplight. An intimate family cocoon. The fact that Margarita lives locked up in a room beyond the bathroom is just how things are. The children communicate with their mother through a small window, giving her blankets, DVDs and reading material and celebrating her birthday in the corridor. When she's eventually had enough, it's Axel that must decide what to do. Written by Festivalscope

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