Головна / Боевик / Swamp Zombies 2

Фільм Swamp Zombies 2 (2018)

Swamp Zombies 2

Слоган: The muck just hit the fan...
Жанр: боевик, ужасы, фантастика
Рік: 2018
Країна: США
Режисер: Лен Кабасинский
У ролях: Michael Leo Centi, Джо Чэпман, Baron Craze, Джастин Скайлер Дэниелс, Penelope Pappas, Skylar Daniels, Metz Donato, Jenna m Fryer, Уэсли Грин, Мэл Хефлин
Світова прем'єра: 1 мая 2018
Тривалість: 72 мин. / 1:12
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.5 rating 0
2020-03-31 20:47:18
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 31 березня 2020, 20:47 Перегляди: 6 Коментарі: 0
The hottest reality TV Show in the world, "Lucky Stiffs", is about to get even more hot. Contestants from all over the globe try to win big cash prizes and fame by competing on the show against each other and survive the shows "stars".....zombies!!. However, there's a problem, a renegade contestant ("Mouse") is trying to expose the show as unethical and the show's producer's are grasping at straws to find Mouse. When all the producer's attempts have failed, he's left with one choice...to free "Jack" from a top secret Black ops prison and send him into the show. Jack has the kung fu skills to stay alive to find Mouse and bring her to the Producer......and he knows a thing or two about zombies. Written by Annonymous

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