Головна / Драма / Never Heard

Фільм Never Heard (2018)

Never Heard

Слоган: «Let Go & Let God Handle It»
Жанр: драма, семейный
Рік: 2018
Країна: США
Режисер: Джош Абрахам Веббер
У ролях: Дэвид Баннер, Робин Гивенс, Лил Ромео, Карруче Тран, Брайан Дж. Уайт, Дориен Уилсон, Карен Эберкромби, Дижон Тальтон, Lexy Panterra, Кэнди Баррус
Бюджет: $4 000 000
Світова прем'єра: 1 ноября 2018
Тривалість: 89 мин. / 01:29
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.6 rating 0
2020-03-08 02:00:13
Додано: Only-HD Дата: 08 березня 2020, 02:00 Перегляди: 0 Коментарі: 0
Aaron Davis is accused of murder and incarcerated for a crime he swears that he did not commit. His son Jalen is forced to grow up on the streets of Los Angeles without the guidance of a father and primarily raised by his mother Shala and Grandmother Camilla. Jalen finds himself in hot water with his life at risk after his friend Diggy decides to partner with one of the biggest drug dealers in the city leaving a large debt to be recouped. Everything seems to turn around when Aaron is reminded to put his faith in God first and use the power of prayer to help solve his problems. Will Aaron find a way to prove his innocence and save his son's life before it is too late?

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