Ding Ning, a sickly young sword cultivator, and his companions set out to overthrow the tyrannical Kingdom of Wu ruled by a formidable Sword Sorceress and Sorcerer couple while pursuing their dreams of a 'S...
A story revolving around a palace maid with a plucky attitude, street smarts, and a good heart as she maneuvers the dangers in the palace to become a concubine of Emperor Qian Long. During the 6th year of t...
In the TV series, Li Hongyi plays the role of mysterious Shenmu teenager, belonging to the hermit family. He has been studying medicine for generations. His young doctors have been in full swing, and the Sh...
Defne, a poor girl living with her grand mother, brother and sister is tangled in a deal to make the famous business man, Omer fall in love with her and marry her before it's too late. Defne is forced to do...
Revive is a 2016 Chinese romance television series directed by Zhao Xiaoxi and Zhao Xiaoou, starring Ma Ke , Xu Haiqiao , Viann Zhang , Han Chae-Yeong .
George plays a perfectionist artist, who is introverted, sensitive, and cold. His personality is challenged by our heroine (Kan Qing Zi) who isn't afraid of anything. They know each other in college and beg...
In the 1980s, when middle-aged Hu Bayi packs his belongings for one of his adventures, he finds an old photo, which brings his memory back to his college days in the 1960s. He then reminiscence about his fi...
29 травня 2020, 15:43 0
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