Twelve-year-old identical twins Dru and Kal discover that the government is secretly tracking and manipulating Australia's youth via electronic tracking devices.
Лео Дойл работает психологом-консультантом в средней школе. Майк Серрато служит в убойном отделе. Они оба любящие отцы, готовые на всё ради семьи. При этом один из них серийный убийца. Со врем...
AJIT SINGH 12, blends in happily in to his new home in the middle of Australia. However, his brother RAJVEER 20, finds it unbearable to be constantly labelled a terrorist due to his beard and turban that he...
A young medical student attempts to cure her brother from a terminal sleep illness called Fatal Familial Insomnia, where you are unable to sleep until you die. On her quest to help him, a more sinister reas...
A twelve year old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world, is inspired by the strange new boy at school and sets out to mend her broken family - whatever it takes.
In Ben Lawrence's beautifully acted debut feature, a war photographer Hugo Weaving and a refugee Andrew Luri discover a photograph that threatens to destroy them both. Daniel Fisher Weaving returns home, an...
A successful businessman, with a wife and daughter, has his happy home life destroyed, when three junkies hold his family hostage and use his personal information against him.
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