The television series that will chronicle the marriage of Qianlong Emperor and the Step Empress, Ru Yi Ulanara. Starring Xun Zhou and Wallace Huo, the series is based on an online novel Zhen Huan Zhuan (201...
Set in the mid-1920s. A resourceful young police officer named Qiao Chu Sheng and a genius, Lu Yao and a reporter, Bai You Ning form a small detective squad that specializes in solving strange and unsettlin...
Китаянка Чэнь Сяо Цянь искренне мечтает стать знаменитой сценаристкой. Она обожает дорамы и хочет реализовать свой творческий потенциал в этом направлении. Для воплощения этой задумки героиня сериала «Роман...
Yugi Mutou is a shy young boy who has finally completed his grandfather's Thousand-Year puzzle. Little does he realize that this puzzle unleashes an alter ego who challenges anyone who hurts Yugi to a game....
В 14-й год правления императора Чэнхуа внезапно скончался старший сын князя У Аня Чжэн Чэн. Так вышло, что перед своей смертью он успел поссориться с магистратом префектуры Шунтянь Тан Фанем, который и стал...
In a world called Beiling, there was a boy called Mu Chen who was the son of Mu Feng. His father was in charge of the territory of the Mus and he knew barely a thing about his mother. Also, He was born with...
Zhang Wei, the general manager of a five-star hotel, was pressured by work throughout his life until he met Luo Xi, a girl who could get Zhang Wei out of his busy state. Zhang Wei was impressed by the goodn...
30 mayıs 2020, 00:43 0
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