Yi Yao and Qi Ming live in the same alley of a neighborhood. Qi Ming, a little bit older than Yi Yao, has been trying to help and protect Yi Yao since they were little. Qi Ming even planted a tree in the ba...
A year 10 student returns to China with the aim of beating his tennis genius father. However over time, despite trying to remain aloof, he learns there a better things to strive for thanks to his new team m...
Одинокая жительница мегаполиса Чжан Сяо Вень неожиданно попадает в прошлое во времена династии Цин. И становится придворной Жо Си, вовлеченной в политические и любовные интриги двора императора Канси.
A traumatized young girl who was abducted 12 years ago is found alive. However, she carries out crimes on the orders of her abductor, and now the police must stop her before it's too late.
Фэн Пяопяо выглядит милахой – она артистична, начитана, интересуется музыкой и всегда носит с собой книгу. Но между книгами спрятаны маньхуа, где все картины и каллиграфия принадлежат её деду. Однажды девуш...
The love between two guys in a long-term relationship has faded and each look outside the relationship to a phone app that summons a customized virtual companion, hoping to find what they have lost between ...
The Legend of Hao Lan depicts the fights between the Qin and the Zhao state towards the end of the Warring States period. After Zhao's imperial censor Li He gets caught in a trap and goes bankrupt, his daug...
Zi Xuan is the disciple of the Green Emperor and he specializes in medicine and is cultivating to become a deity. He meets a little white snake, whom he nicknamed Xiao Bai, and kept as a pet. Over the cours...
29 mayıs 2020, 22:19 1
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