Home / Мультфильм / Dora and Friends: Into the City!

Cartoon Series Dora and Friends: Into the City! (2014)

Dora and Friends: Into the City!

Original name: Dora and Friends: Into the City!
Genre: мультфильм, приключения, семейный
Year: 2014
Country: США
Director: Джордж С. Чьялтас, Аллан Якобсен, Мика Гюрсой
Cast: Фатима Птацек, Бриттани Чен, Эдуардо Карденас Аристисабаль, Эшли Эрнест, Изабела Мерсед, Александрия Суарез, Ракель Уоллес, Марк Уэйнер, Kayta Thomas, Хорхе Вега
World Premiere: 18 августа 2014
Duration: 23 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.7 rating 0
2020-01-30 11:02:22
Added: Only-HD Date: 30 January 2020, 11:02 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Dora goes to school and lives in Playa Verde, which is a city. Together with the explorer girls Emma, Kate, Naiya, and Alana and her only male companion, Pablo, Dora and her friends work together and go on amazing adventures while discovering the secrets of their city. Dora has a magical charm bracelet and a smart phone, complete with an app version of the previous Map to aid her. Her friend Kate is fond of drama, while Emma loves music. Alana is tomboyish but loves animals, Naiya is smart and loves to read, and Pablo loves playing soccer. Written by Wikipedia

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