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Movie I Dared You! Truth or Dare Part 5 (2017)

I Dared You! Truth or Dare Part 5

Slogan: In 1986, a cult-classic was born. This fall, the madness gets critical.
Genre: ужасы
Year: 2017
Country: США
Director: Тим Риттер, Скотт Тепперман
Cast: Скотт Тепперман, Джоэль Д. Винкооп, Джим О’Риэр, Тим Риттер, Эшли Линн Капуто, Джоэнн Мариньо, Cayt Feinics, Билли В. Блэкуэлл, Eric Danger Dionne, Боб Глэйзер
Budget: $5 000
Duration: 90 мин. / 1:30
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating3.3 rating 0
2020-04-01 10:21:15
Added: Only-HD Date: 01 April 2020, 10:21 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Disfigured madman Chainsaw Dax vows revenge on Dan Hess, the man responsible for letting the original "Coppermasked Madman", Mike Strauber, escape nearly 30 years ago. Hess and Dax play an intense game of cat-and-mouse through a series of escalating dares that eventually leads to one final, violent showdown.

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