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Series Badehotellet (сериал 2013 – 2025) (2013)

Badehotellet (сериал 2013 – 2025)

Genre: драма, комедия
Year: 2013
Country: Дания
Director: Ганс Фабиан Вулленвебер, Йеспер В. Нильсен
Cast: Амалия Доллерап, Ларс Ранте, Анне Луизе Хассинг, Merete Mærkedahl, Ulla Vejby, Йенс Якоб Тихсен, Анетт Стёвельбек, Бирте Нойманн, Бодиль Ёргенсон, Сесиль Стенспил
World Premiere: 30 декабря 2013
Duration: 50 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating8 rating 0
2020-03-07 15:40:48
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 15:40 Views: 3 Comments: 0
Badehotellet is the story about the guests and staff at a beach hotel by the North Sea sand dunes. At the heart of the story is the lives of three young people, the chambermaid Fie, the merchant's daughter Amanda, and the local fisherman Morten. Their fates are intertwined, and their stories are about emancipating themselves from the plans other people have made on their behalf, the attempts on social ascent, and about losing and finding oneself on the way. The series is inspired by the way of life at the many seaside hotels of the past, and reflects our own time with its mixture of financial crisis, denial, and dreams of happiness. The story takes place in the years 1928-33 where the world is falling apart. The characters will go through tears and laughter in the captivating journey that takes place as times change from optimism to crisis. It's a multi-plot-series that dynamically shifts between upstairs and downstairs, and between seriousness and humour. Written by Badehotellet

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