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Cartoon Series JV: The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne (2007)

JV: The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne

Original name: JV: The Extraordinary Adventures of Jules Verne
Slogan: Young Jules Verne, together with an inseparable and motley group of explorers, experiences first-hand the amazing adventures that inspire his novels.
Genre: приключения, комедия, мультфильм
Year: 2007
Country: Италия
Director: Энрико Паолантонио
Cast: Дермот Магеннис, Реми Пертилл-Кларк, Гари Хецлер, Хоуп Браун
World Premiere: 5 апреля 2014
Duration: 30 мин. / 0:30
kinopoiskrating7.44 imdbrating7.7 rating 0
2023-07-03 03:05:26
Added: Only-HD Date: 03 July 2023, 03:05 Views: 0 Comments: 0

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