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Series Johan Falk: Operation Näktergal (2009)

Johan Falk: Operation Näktergal

Original name: Johan Falk: Operation Näktergal
Genre: боевик, триллер, криминал
Year: 2009
Country: Швеция
Director: Дэниэл Линд Лагерлёф
Cast: Якоб Эклунд, Хенрик Норлен, Анна Антонович, Стипе Эрцег, Мелиз Карлге, Кьелль Вильхельмсен, Юэль Киннаман, Микаэл Торнвинг, Жаклин Рамел, Андре Сьоберг
World Premiere: 4 ноября 2009
Duration: 90 мин. / 01:30
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.8 rating 0
2020-01-29 16:48:26
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 January 2020, 16:48 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The police unit "GSI" of Gothenburg city have been ordered to identify and arrest the people responsible for importing young women into Sweden from Eastern Europe for the purpose of organized prostitution. Johan Falk (played by Jakob Eklund,) recruits a young polish civilian girl that works tending bar on a passenger ship that travels between Germany and Sweden who has insight into the organized people smuggling ring. Things go better than anyone had hoped and as things progress they enter a morally grey area more so than ever before... Written by Lepke

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