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Anime Gekijôban XXXHolic Manatsu no yoru no yume (2005)

Gekijôban XXXHolic Manatsu no yoru no yume

Original name: Gekijôban XXXHolic Manatsu no yoru no yume
Slogan: «I will make your wish come true...»
Genre: аниме, мультфильм, фэнтези, триллер, драма, комедия, детектив
Year: 2005
Country: Япония
Director: Цутому Мидзусима
Cast: Саяка Охара, Дзюн Фукуяма, Кадзуя Накаи, Сидзука Ито, Кадзуко Кодзима, Хисаё Мотидзуки, Мика Кикути, Мию Ирино, Маая Сакамото, Кэйко Мацуо
World Premiere: 20 августа 2005
Duration: 60 мин. / 01:00
kinopoiskrating7.66 imdbrating7.1 rating 10
2020-01-27 06:34:32
Added: Only-HD Date: 27 January 2020, 06:34 Views: 4 Comments: 0
Yuko receives an invitation for the opening of an auction from a mysterious unknown sender. Likewise, fanatical collectors are summoned to an old mansion whose owner doesn't make an appearance. One after another, each collector disappears and a number of other strange occurrences happen during the night. The questions of what exactly it is that's being auctioned and who the owner of the mansion is must be solved in order for Yuko and Watanuki to get to the bottom of this. Written by Anonymous

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