Home / Боевик / Hua ji shi dai

Movie Hua ji shi dai (1981)

Hua ji shi dai

Original name: Hua ji shi dai
Genre: боевик, драма, комедия, семейный
Year: 1981
Country: Гонконг, Тайвань
Director: Джон Ву
Cast: Карл Мака, Дин Шек, Вай Вон, Брюс Чан, Чиу Чи-Лин, Tak-Wai Chu, Фун Кинг-Ман, Пак-Квон Хо, Юн Хо, Лау Нга Лаи
Duration: 101 мин. / 01:41
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2020-01-25 03:03:17
Added: Only-HD Date: 25 January 2020, 03:03 Views: 2 Comments: 1
A homeless wanderer just happens across various articles of clothing that make him resemble Charlie Chaplin much to the amusement of passersby.

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06 November 2024, 00:27
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A Anonymous

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