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Movie Killer Prom (2020)

Killer Prom

Original name: Killer Prom
Genre: драма
Year: 2020
Country: Канада
Director: Александр Карьер
Cast: Ивонн Зима, Марк Лутс, Эрика Андерсон, Jasmine Asha, Брианна Барнс, L. Fernando Becerra Sánchez, Manny Benda, Jordan Blais, Габриэль Дарку, Lorilee Holloway
World Premiere: 19 апреля 2020
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating4.7 rating 0
2020-04-25 18:48:08
Added: Only-HD Date: 25 April 2020, 18:48 Views: 1 Comments: 0
After losing her mother in an accident, a teenager and her father welcome a distant cousin into their home. Hoping to claim the family as her own, the psychopath hatches a devious plan to recreate the prom she never experienced.

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