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Series Huang jin tong (2019)

Huang jin tong

Original name: Huang jin tong
Genre: боевик, приключения
Year: 2019
Country: Китай
Director: Lili Jiao, Nan Li, Ziqi Liu
Cast: Чжан Исин, Ван Цзысюань, Ван Юэсинь, Ли Личунь, Чэнь Цзявэнь, Сюэ Хаовэнь, До Болинь, Yi Gang, Чжун Вэйлунь, Хэ Юйцзюнь
World Premiere: 2019-02-26
Duration: 45 мин.
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.4 rating 0
2020-05-29 05:24:29
Added: Only-HD Date: 29 May 2020, 05:24 Views: 0 Comments: 0
It tells a story about Zhuang Rui who was a normal staff of a pawn shop. He accidentally got the Golden Eyes in a robbery which could help him see through everything. But meanwhile, he has already involved in a big conspiracy.

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