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Series Serdtse sledovatelya (2018)

Serdtse sledovatelya

Original name: Serdtse sledovatelya
Genre: мелодрама, криминал
Year: 2018
Country: Украина
Director: Ева Стрельникова
Cast: Анна Васильева, Алексей Нежурко, Георгий Лещенко, Екатерина Козлова, Марина Куклина, Ирина Тамим, Владислав Мамчур, Игорь Колтовский, Дарья Егоркина, Владимир Гладкий
World Premiere: 20 мая 2018
kinopoiskrating6.62 imdbrating0 rating 0
2020-06-13 03:18:35
Added: Only-HD Date: 13 June 2020, 03:18 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Nine-year-old homeless Vanya witnesses a crime - he saw the face of one of the bank robbers. In order to protect the valuable witness, Detective Varvara Rodionova takes Vanya to live in her aunt's house. However, Varvara is unaware that the boy picked up a flash drive that one of the robbers had dropped at the scene of the crime. The robbers waste no time in engaging a man whose mission is to cause Varvara to fall in love with him and trick the valuable flash drive out of the boy.

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