Home / Комедия / Turma da Mônica: Laços

Movie Turma da Mônica: Laços (2019)

Turma da Mônica: Laços

Genre: комедия, приключения, семейный
Year: 2019
Country: Бразилия
Director: Даниэл Резенде
Cast: Giulia Benitte, Kevin Vechiatto, Laura Rauseo, Gabriel Moreira, Родриго Санторо, Cauã Martins, Sofia Munhoz, Gabriel Blotto, Pedro Souza, Isabela Santos
World Premiere: 27 июня 2019
Duration: 97 мин. / 01:37
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating7.1 rating 0
2020-03-08 13:47:18
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 13:47 Views: 0 Comments: 0
Fluffy, Jimmy Five's pet dog, vanished. He creates an infallible plan to rescue the little dog, but he will need help from his faithful friends: Monica, Maggy and Smudge. Together, they will face challenges and live incredible adventures to get Fluffy back home. Written by Erick - translation from Portuguese Wikipedia.

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