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Movie Toxic Shark (2017)

Toxic Shark

Slogan: «This vacation really bites»
Genre: ужасы, фантастика, боевик, триллер, комедия, приключения
Year: 2017
Country: США, Пуэрто Рико
Director: Cole Sharpe
Cast: Кэбби Бордерс, Кристина Мастерсон, Michelle Cortés, Брайс Дарфи, Шон Сэмюэлс, Quinn Bozza, Cristina Jayo, Pedro Diaz, Эрик Этебари, Джейм Уоллес
Budget: $500 000
World Premiere: 3 августа 2017
Duration: 87 мин. / 01:27
kinopoiskrating3.32 imdbrating3.3 rating 0
2020-03-08 03:38:30
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 03:38 Views: 32 Comments: 0
A tropical singles retreat takes a terrifying turn when guests realize a poisonous shark is infesting the surrounding water. Not only will it rip apart its victims, but it also uses projectile acid to hunt - in and out of the water.

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