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Series Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari (2017)

Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari

Original name: Fazilet Hanim ve Kizlari
Genre: драма
Year: 2017
Country: Турция
Director: Алптекин Бозкурт, Gökçen Usta, Günay Günaydin, ...
Cast: Назан Кесал, Дениз Байсал, Чаглар Эртугрул, Махир Гюнширай, Толга Гюлеч, Хазал Тюресан, Афра Сарачоглу, Альп Навруз, Идрис Неби Таскан, Эджем Балтаджи
Premiere Russian: 14 ноября 2022
World Premiere: 25 марта 2017
Duration: 140 мин. / 02:20
kinopoiskrating7.9 imdbrating6.9 rating 0
2020-03-07 11:20:22
Added: Only-HD Date: 07 March 2020, 11:20 Views: 0 Comments: 0
The story of Fazilet, mother of two Hazan and Ece, eager to gain money, using her younger daughter, Ece,modeling skills. While Hazan pursues a sport coach life, far from her mother ambitions and falls in love with a rich spoiled man.

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