The story of the manga centers around Marimo Nogami, a usually quiet fourth-grade girl in elementary school. However, a certain incident leads to Marimo's personal strength blossoming.
High school student Taku is transported to the bizarre world of Slaffleaze. Villainous Zolba is plotting the invasion of the world they know as Capricorn. Taku gets the young, cute, female dragon girl, Mona...
Ryou Matsumoto is a screenplay writer that runs into a man and witnesses his murder. Unknown to him, he gets caught up in an illegal antique ring along with a girl he meets named Yuki. In order to survive, ...
Mankai Company is a far cry from its glory days as an all-male theater. With only one member left and debt collectors at the door, it's no wonder Izumi Tachibana finds herself in over her head when she bold...
Судьба сводит ночью у костра резчика по дереву Аканемару, путешествующего в поисках легендарной Жар-птицы, статую которой он мечтает сделать, и Гао, жестокого убийцу и главаря разбойников. Гао грабит и рани...
История начинается дождливой ночью, когда девочка по имени Ло Сяобай подобрала бездомного чёрного котёнка. И назвала она котёнка Ло Сяохэй . Однако, Сяохэй не простой котик, а сверхъестественное существо (н...
29 May 2020, 16:49 0
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