Jerry rescues Spike from the dogcatcher. In gratitude, Spike tells him that any time he needs help, just whistle. Tom proceeds to give Jerry many reasons to whistle, and tries several approaches to keep him...
Tom inherits $1,000,000 from an eccentric aunt on the condition that he not harm any living thing - even a mouse. And guess which mouse keeps following him around and pointing this out to him?
Tom's advances on a young jive-talking girl cat get nowhere; nowhere, that is, until Tom gets a zoot suit. Armed with his miles of fabric and a new cool lingo, Tom still has to deal with the tricks of his n...
Poor Tom! Not only does his young owner insist on dressing him like a baby, but he also has to bear the humiliation of being spotted by his cat friends. And Jerry can't believe his good fortune when he spie...
As Tom and Jerry stage their typical fight sequences, the patriotic soldier theme of the title is evidenced by such things as a carton of eggs labeled "Hen Grenades"; Jerry dropping light bulbs from an airp...
Непростительную ошибку совершил профессор Фарнсворт, продав Планетный Экспресс миллиардерше Мамочке. Злобная монополистка не только завладела 50% всей Земли, став Верховным правителем, но и превратила плане...
День у мистера Доннели как-то не задался. В больнице сообщили, что утром умерла любимая жена, сосед в поезде оказался наглым малолетним матершинником, в вагоне-ресторане нахамили. Ну как тут не потерять вер...
16 марта 2020, 15:01 0
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