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Movie Tel Aviv on Fire (2018)

Tel Aviv on Fire

Original name: Tel Aviv on Fire
Slogan: «The Comedy That Crosses Borders and Breaks Boundaries»
Genre: драма, мелодрама, комедия
Year: 2018
Country: Люксембург, Бельгия, Израиль, Франция
Director: Самех Зоаби
Cast: Каис Насеф, Лубна Азабаль, Янив Битон, Майса Абд Эльхади, Надим Савалха, Салим Дау, Юсеф «Джо» Свейд, Амер Хлехель, Летиция Эйдо, Asraf Perah
Budget: €2 700 000
World Premiere: 2 сентября 2018
Duration: 100 мин. / 01:40
kinopoiskrating6.83 imdbrating6.7 rating 0
2020-03-08 14:19:18
Added: Only-HD Date: 08 March 2020, 14:19 Views: 4 Comments: 0
Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise - until the soldier and the show's financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.

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