Slogan: «A resentful entity continued to reincarnate back to the Saha World in search for his lost love while fighting on a losing battle against the secret guardians of the underworld. He finally realized that the way of discovery was through love and compassion, rather than hatred and vengeance&raqu
Genre: ужасы, фэнтези, боевик, детектив
Year: 2015
Country: США
Director: Тели Шеа
Cast: Iryna Dyakun, Mayra Grimaldo, Augustine H., Тайрон Ховард, Jackson Hsueh, Yen Ming Hsueh, Bonnie Hu, Mari Idaka, Lei Jian, Tomo Kg
Budget: $25 000
World Premiere: 1 ноября 2015
Duration: 96 мин. / 01:36