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Movie Kocan Kadar Konus Dirilis (2016)

Kocan Kadar Konus Dirilis

Original name: Kocan Kadar Konus Dirilis
Genre: фэнтези, драма, комедия
Year: 2016
Country: Турция
Director: Кыванч Баруоню
Cast: Бора Аккаш, Нюкхет Аккая, Гювен Мурат Акпынар, Дерья Алдемир, Гёзде Седа Алтунер, Гюл Ариджи, Енис Арикан, Tolga Ciklaciftci, Эбру Джюндюбейоглу, Эда Эдже
World Premiere: 1 января 2016
Duration: 108 мин. / 01:48
kinopoiskrating0 imdbrating5.7 rating 0
2020-01-30 12:09:11
Added: Only-HD Date: 30 January 2020, 12:09 Views: 1 Comments: 0
Having weathered marriage pressures from family and friends in the first movie of the series, Efsun is now with the man of her dreams, Sinan. But the complications facing her love life don't get any less. As if her own chaotic family wasn't enough, she now has to contend with Sinan's - his grandmother, Cavide, in particular - and things quickly spin out of control. Will she make it through hell and high water to fulfill her dream of a peaceful life with Sinan? Does she really want the wedding everyone else has decided on for her? Written by BKM

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